I point out two reasons. In its 35 years Country Email List of existence, the national organization operates as a decentralized network that brings together no less than 2,000 grassroots organizations, communities, centers, councils or communes, which Country Email List operate as territorial governments. The superior territorial structures, which act at the provincial, regional and national levels, function as protest and coordination structures; but the community Country Email List structures operate in an autonomist logic, that is, instead of focusing exclusively on claiming the State, they are dedicated directly to solving local problems.
They manage irrigation, manage Country Email List construction work and infrastructure maintenance, carry out productive projects, resolve neighborhood conflicts, exercise communal justice in civil and criminal cases. The claims or requests to the Country Email List State generally seek its contribution, its help or that it facilitate resources for its own initiatives. Or at least not in the way. They do not focus their struggle on asking the State to doinstead; rather, they seek to maintain their autonomy with greater or lesser success in order to be a local Country Email List government or to participate very actively in it.
The precise effect of such an Country Email List organizational configuration is this: at a time and in a country where the word of politicians and politics is so discredited, indigenous organizations speak for their actions, their bases recognize only those who have gone through that organizational hustle and bustle of "talking by doing". It's far from Country Email List perfect or harmonious, of course, but it's a trend clearly discernible from its troubled organizational history. And it is a crucial element of their permanence and their continued legitimacy with the grassroots. Conaie's political strategy since its inception has been a continuous and conflictive combination Country Email List of forms of struggle: social mobilization and electoral participation are.